Monday, November 26, 2007

Theater 101

I found this really cool site by the BBC on Ancient Greek Theater. It's an interactive site on theater basics, which are the core of Western theater practices. Maybe you’ve heard of Aristophanes, Sophocles, or Euripides. These are men who laid a foundation of theater practices artists still follow today; thus, influencing theater throughout the ages.

Anyway, it’s really for elementary-age kids, but I got a kick out of it. Besides, it offers some terminology and history taught in theater classes today.

And, a bit of trivia for you; Thespis, your guide, is considered the first actor. Thus, actors are also called thespians, in honor of Thespis.

Go ahead. I know you want to look…


Ms.Hottie said...

i really dont like your blog look at mine its called advice column then you should get some better ideas

Anonymous said...

Wow. Maybe Ms. Hottie should tell you how she really feels! Anyway. I clicked on your latest link and I thought what you found was pretty cute. I went through the whole thing and nothing is better than having something broken down to 5th grade level. I learned a lot.