Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Faux Theatre? Or Real Expression?

Gouher College’s department of dance will feature guest artists William Whitner and Roger C. Jeffrey for their fall performance. Apparently, three new works will be performed.

What interests me about this performance is the theatric elements quite possibly built in. Dance is an extremely expressive form of art. Routines such as interpretive and modern incorporate various techniques from any numbers of styles; for example, ballroom, ballet, jazz, or cultural practices.

But dance can also tell a story as in "The Nutcracker "or "Swan Lake". There are no words; merely music and movement move the story to the finale.

In my experience, modern dance can be the most liberating form of dance. With the diverse elements, you can really challenge yourself, break from the rigid structure of ballet, and learn little bits of other forms.

Sure, dance is fun and entertaining, but will I be right? Is there a story to be told in the midst of the grace, poise and sharp motions?

There is only one way to find out…

1 comment:

Matt.Anderson's MCOM 407 blog said...

I think that you are doing a good job of presenting a variety of different aspects within your topic. I know nothing about dancing, nor how to dance, yet I find it interesting.

You have found a good way to not be above the heads of novices, yet still appeal to those who are interested in dance and have been for years. Nice job.