Sunday, September 30, 2007

Old Space, New Place

While researching local Baltimore theatres, I discovered that Everyman Theatre will be 2009. Those scoundrels, what luck. Everyman Theatre, currently on Charles Street, will be moving to the Town Theatre as part of the West Side Development Project. The theatre space was donated to the group, which was created in 1990.

The new space will allow Everyman to rehearse shows concurrently with produced shows. At the Charles St. location, actors and set-designers shared the space. The Town Theatre has rehearsal and design space, as well as room for a costume shop and more offices. More use of precious time and less congestion on the stage.

A unique aspect of the move is the location. The Town Theatre is closer to Camden Yards, the Inner Harbor and The Hippodrome, allowing the theatre access to tourism. Perhaps a new crowd will flourish with the move?

Vincent Lancisi, Artistic Director of Everyman assures the treasured intimacy between audience and stage will remain; they’ll just have the ability to do more with the staging.

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