Monday, September 8, 2008

Oh so long...

Well, I thought I posted this...a while ago. Apparently not. So, while I work on new material, i think I'll post some long lost entries, which apparently I wrote and never published.

I’m convinced critics have no idea what they’re talking about. After seeing Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, I cannot agree with the review.

This show is not supposed to make sense; it is not linear, it is not a typical show, it is Absurdist. It’s written to allow you, the audience member, to interpret the situations as you see fit. And, really, all interpretations are correct.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern is a pretty heavy script. The style can get a bit taxing to watch and follow. It’s supposed to challenge the audience to think. Theatre has been a means for citizens to challenge the status quo; in entertainment value, performance content, social values and audience enlightenment. This is what R & G is supposed—and does—do.

I must say I get a little frustrated when people don’t know about theater before they witness it. Then, they ask questions, because of their ignorance, which could have been easily avoided. I’m trying not to be mean, but when people come in and tell you what you should have done differently, in light of their ignorance, it’s really obnoxious. Who likes when somebody else, not as knowledgeable about a topic, tells “the expert” how to do their job? Not fun at all. Really, it’s asinine.

This particular script allows the audience to be creative and interpretive. So take it as such. Be imaginative. Enjoy the diversity of the stage. If you’re open, it will take you wherever you want to go.

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