Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Theatre Face-lifts?

It seems Everyman isn’t the only theatre looking for a face-lift.

Various theatres in the Baltimore/Washington area are looking to improve their looks, especially internally according to a Baltimore Sun article. Popular local theatres like Arena Stage, the Lyric Opera House, and the Shakespeare Theatre, just to name a few.

Most are expanding stages and seating or moderninzing outdated space. Some have pretty hefty budgets for their projects.

Maybe local theatres aren’t so underground after all…

1 comment:

mesths said...

I had no idea that there was so much renovation going on in the Baltimore theater scene. Yes some of the projects look expensive but if they are definitely worth it. Expanded stages and seating could be very important for the audience. It could ehance the experience. I look forward to going to a show after these theaters make their improvements.
~Megan, from class